Featured |  15 November 2022

EROSKI pionners consumer transparency

EROSKI has been a socially innovative and committed player for over 50 years.

SSince its creation, its identity has been marked by an acute attention to the expectations of its customers, as EROSKI is a cooperative network.

EROSKI shares strong values with its cooperators, its suppliers and its territory.

Today EROSKI is taking a new and strong step forward, in line with its long-lasting commitments, by making Planet-score labels visible on a first selection of food products.

Through this alignment with the reality of today’s environmental issues, EROSKI is undoubtedly it a major player in transparency and 0-greenwashing.

EROSKI is a retailer which sincerely cares for its customers and for the planet, and proves it through the information it provides with Planet-score.

To access the video subtitled in French, select the French version of the website on the upper part of this webpage.

Pour la video sous-titrée en français, sélectionnez la version française du site dans la partie haute de cette page web. 

For more information (pages 38-39-40 – in Spanish), and also here and here.

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